Thursday, January 10, 2008

Florida for the weekend!

So, just in case Costa Rica wasn't enough travelling, I've decided to jet down to Florida for a couple of days. My uncle has a neat setup for recording down there, so I'm going to see what I can get done before I leave. Music is a huge passion of mine, and I'm excited to document Amelia-music pre-costa rica. While I'm in Costa Rica, I expect to write a lot of new material completely different from what I've been writing, so I'm excited! Hopefully, I'll be able to post a few of the newly recorded songs on my myspace, so check it out if you get the chance!

Hope all is going well for everyone! Leave me some feedback, and any advice you might have for someone leaving the states!



Mike said...

Hey, Amelia. I hope you got some stuff recording!

When leaving the States, expect people to approach you about American politics to the point of making you defend them even if you didn't while you were at home.

And don't be afraid of taxes, you'll get a refund in the mail usually. :D

Dad said...

Nice job down there. I was impressed with the music.