Monday, September 21, 2009

Creative Success? :-)

Whew...another Monday has arrived. I can't believe it's the fourth week of school already. The semester is just flying by! Before I know it, I'll be graduating...eek.

Things have been going pretty well. I had a pretty relaxing weekend. I saw Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs in was super cute! Saturday during the day I just chilled and then Saturday night I opened for my friend Brooks at Poet's. He was coming into town and he was like, hey, come open for me! It was a pretty successful evening. I was extremely excited because for the first time ever, someone I didn't know requested one of my songs and was singing along!!! It was so cool to see people singing my song! It pretty much made my weekend!

This week is going to be busy as usual. I've been doing quite a bit of writing lately for class, and all of it is going to be critiqued/graded this's always a little nerve-wracking to put myself out there creatively, lol.

So, three weeks until my gig on Oct. 10th, four weeks until fall break, and five weeks until my roommates and I throw a huge Halloween party entitled, "The Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza"! It's going to be a great month... :-)

Hope everyone is doing well!

Lots o' love,

Saturday, September 5, 2009

One week down...

Whew, the first week of my last semester of college is over, and what a doozy it was. I've got a relatively easy schedule, but for some reason this week just seemed really long. It's kind of weird to walk around campus and not know anyone...guess that means I'm getting old, lol. I am excited about this semester, though. I think it's going to be really fun!

I'm taking News Reporting and Copy Editing, Introduction to Public Relations, Introduction to Creative Writing, and Senior Capstone in Spanish. I found out that because I'm in the News Reporting class, I'm automatically on the Newspaper staff at Tennessee Tech, so that's cool, lol! I'll be writing 5 stories or so about the happenings in the foreign language department, and there's a chance they'll end up in the newspaper! Pretty neat! I'm absolutely loving my Intro to PR class...I'm not really sure what that means, but maybe it's a direction I can kind of steer myself in... Creative Writing is cool, too, I guess, lol. It is awesome that I was able to choose these three classes to take just because I wanted to. I don't really need any of them to graduate so it's a little less pressure.

My Senior Capstone, however, is another story entirely. It's quite a daunting task. I'm required to give several oral presentations and short papers in addition to the 10-15 paper and 15-20 minute presentation I have to give in Spanish at the end of the semester. I know everything is going to be fine, and I'm sure I'll do well, but it's still a little scary. I am kind of excited about the topic I'm going to be researching, though. I don't have an exact title, yet, but it's something along the lines of "The Oppression of Women in the Mexican Press." Apparently Mexico doesn't have free press like we do, and the women definitely don't have the same rights women do in the United States in the media. I think it will be a pretty interesting topic for me especially since I'm leaning towards some kind of career in the communications field. I'm not 100% sure, yet, that that's where I'm headed, but it is really interesting to me, so I'm excited about doing the research.

In other news, I have a gig set for October 10th, and I'm going to start practicing with the band this week. It should be a pretty fun, laid-back gig, so I'm excited! It's at a Train Depot outside. Outside gigs are always fun. :-)

So, that's what's going on in my neck of the woods. I can feel fall just around the corner, and I'm loving it...pretty soon it'll be time for football games, sweaters, bonfires, jack-o-lanterns, deep-fried turkey, scarves, hot cider, christmas carols, and the holiday season!! One of my favorite times of the year! Hope everyone is doing well! I'll update again soon!

Con mucho amor,