Thursday, January 24, 2008

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go...?

Well, I'm officially 21. Of course, I know in the grand scheme of life, that is not old, but it just got me thinking...every year I'll get another year older. Pretty soon, 30 will be looming up on the horizon! It just seems crazy to me that 5 years ago I was worried about getting my driver's license and the latest boy drama. Now I'm worried about moving to another country, graduating from college, and becoming a productive human in today's society. (Which seems to be an issue for a lot of people my age these days...) So, I know that I'm not old, but when am I grown up? I was talking to someone the other day and I said, "When I grow up, I want to be..." Then I realized, maybe I am already up. I can't really say that anymore. Time really flies. I used to dream about being 21, and now, I'm thinking it would be better to just live in the moment and enjoy the present because I know that I will not be dreaming about turning 30, lol.

On another note, I leave for Costa Rica in 3 days, and the anticipation/fear is nearly killing me. It's 2:15 in the morning, and I can't sleep. I think I'm on overload from my birthday and leaving the country, lol. My bags are packed, but I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to go. I know I'll enjoy it once I'm there, but there are just too many variables at this point. Will I like it? Will I get along with my host family? What will the food be like? What if I don't understand a word they say to me?! Yeah...those kinds of variables. I am excited, just apprehensive.

So, today I will celebrate my 21st birthday in the United States, and Saturday I will be living in Costa Rica. Doesn't that just sound crazy?!

Happiness to all,



Unknown said...

Hey,just realized that this title reminds me of a song...


D. Ellen said...

congratulations're in Costa frickin Rica!(didn't you say that at some point) all the same i'm proud of you lil buddy and i love you!


Amelia said...

Thanks for the comments!