Monday, May 3, 2010

Up and at 'em!

Up and at 'em! (The phrase I heard every morning for most of my growing up years...I love my mom, but I think she knows how I feel about it, lol) So, I'm up early...okay, maybe 8 a.m. isn't very early for all you morning people out there, but for me that's pretty impressive! I'm going to try this whole getting-up-early thing for a while to see how it works out for me. I've always been a night owl but the phrase the-early-bird-gets-the-worm is starting to appeal to me. I'm about to start hardcore looking for jobs, but my current job occurs every afternoon. If you know me, then you know that doesn't bode well for my new job hunt. (Unless I have something important to get up for, I usually won't get up.) However, in order to facilitate said job hunt, I'm going to need more hours in the day, so it looks like getting up earlier is the answer! I know this isn't rocket science, but I've been fighting early morning wake-ups since I was probably 2 or 3 years old. I think it's time for some changes. :-)

I have one final this week, and then I will be finished with one semester of graduate school. As previously stated in my last blog, I'm taking some time off from school. So, after this week, you would think I would have a lot more free time to dedicate to job seems, however, that my class schedule is just being replaced with a new schedule. Instead of working for Habitat for Humanity and going to class, I'm going to be working at a new internship with an online magazine and studying for the GRE. So, no free time for Amelia! It's okay though, I prefer to be busy these days anyway...makes me feel productive. :-)

Travel plans have changed slightly. I am still going to Costa Rica at the end of June! Woo hoo!! I'm super excited to go back and see mi segunda patria (second home). I need some pura vida in my life again! Family vacation plans to the gulf coast have changed due to the oil spill...such a sad happening. I feel terrible for all the poor animals and shrimp fishermen down there. :-( It also looks like I might not be going to New York either. This saddens me, but I know I'll get up there someday. So, new family travel plans are in the works, not quite sure where we're going yet, but I'm already excited!!

Hope all is well for everyone out there! Enjoy the glorious spring weather!

Peace and love,

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