Thursday, May 27, 2010

Savannah, GA

The past couple of days I was lucky enough to be able to get away from Cookeville and head down to Savannah, GA with my parents. Savannah is a gorgeous city, and it was nice to spend some quality time with the 'rents.

If you ever have a chance to get down there, I highly recommend it! For a semi-history buff like me, it was extremely interesting. We got to see several pre-Civil War houses, and I absolutely loved the architecture and stories behind them! The weather for the most part was agreeable, and as always, I loved being able to walk everywhere. I think the main thing we did, though, was eat, lol. There are so many amazing restaurants in Savannah, and of course we wanted to try as many of them as possible! I'm thinking of entering a major diet mode actually to cleanse myself of all the great albeit rich food we had. Of course we ate at the Lady and Sons, Paula Deen's restaurant, and had some of the best pecan pie I've ever had. We also had some great seafood along the riverfront, and we sampled incredible fried chicken at Mrs. Wilkes! All in all, it was a pretty successful trip I would say, and I'm in love with the deep southern mystique that Savannah has to offer. What a great little vacation, and a great place to brush up on my Civil War history! :-)

So, now I'm back in Cookeville and getting into the swing of work again. I'm writing a few more articles for Strum Magazine this week...y'all should check it out, I added it as a link on the righthand side of the page, along with all of the articles I've written for the magazine thus far. I'll also be continuing to work at the Market on the Square while I make a decision on where I'm going at the end of the summer. I think I've given myself an August deadline to make a decision. One last relaxing summer in Tennessee, and then who knows where the wind will blow me! I do know that I'm headed for Costa Rica in 4 weeks!!! 4 weeks until I see the beautiful shores of Montezuma while spending some quality time with my family!!

Hope all is well for everyone! I'll leave you with a beautiful picture of a ship docking in Savannah at sunset.

Love and peace,

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