Monday, June 21, 2010

Four days 'till Pura Vida!

That's right...four days until I get to see the gorgeous shores of Montezuma, four days until I see how much Spanish I actually remember, four days until I get to experience Pura Vida again....I pretty much can't wait. I can't believe it's taken me two years to make it back to mi segunda patria (my second home), but I'm finally going back. I'm a little apprehensive...kind of afraid it won't live up to the grandeur I've created for it in my mind, but I always knew that I would have to go back someday, just to see. Maybe I'm prepared for its shortcomings, though, since I've moved so much. Every time we move and then go back, the location itself never does a whole lot for me. The people and the memories...that's where it's at. There are definitely some awesome memories that I can't wait to share with my family. Like the place on the side of the road on the way to Montezuma where my friends Brittney and Renee' and I stood for three hours waiting for a bus...yeah, I can't wait to see that place again, lol. I think the number one reason I can't wait to go to Costa Rica again, though, is that I get to see the smiling face of my bro!!! I can't wait to see how living in CR has impacted him over the past six weeks, and I can't wait to spend some quality time with him and the family. The picture to the right was taken while I was living in Costa Rica and he came to visit me. The tables have turned now, and I'm so glad he loved Costa Rica enough to go back there to live and study. It really is an awesome that I have a feeling will hold a special place in my heart forever.

So, my mind is currently consumed with Costa Rica, as you can tell, but other stuff has been going on. I went to the Summer NAMM 2010 show yesterday and had a blast! I was able to attend a workshop on using GarageBand, and I got to see Victor Wooten play live!! For those of you who have never heard of him, check him out. He's quite possibly one of the best bassists to ever live, but he's not like any other bassist you've ever heard before. He's probably most well known for playing with Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, but he's becoming quite popular for his solo work including writing a book on his philosophy of teaching music. I'm going to be checking that out myself soon. The NAMM show was definitely a success, and I'm really glad I was able to go again this year.

I've had a couple more articles published with Strum Magazine...I put the links on the righthand side underneath my picture again. I'm still really enjoying seeing my name on the byline. :-) Makes me feel like a real journalist...

Time seems to be flying by this summer, and I can't believe that we're already over halfway through June. Honestly, I'm kind of thankful that it's flying, though. Maybe that means I'm that much closer to figuring out where to go next, lol! I wish there was an easy answer to the question: what should I do with my life? I suppose that if it were easy, though, I wouldn't appreciate the journey near as much.

Hope everyone is doing well! I'll try to post again while I'm in Costa Rica so my blog will actually be accurate ha. I really need to do something about that...

Love and peace,

1 comment:

Mike said...

Have fun in Costa Rica, Amelia! And keep up the good writing for Strum. Quality stuff.