Thursday, June 3, 2010

Anticipating vacation...

So, I've changed my blog's background to express my extreme excitement that I will be on the shores of Costa Rica in three weeks enjoying the gorgeous waves, sun and sand! Okay, maybe not so much the sand part, lol. I think it's ironic that I absolutely LOVE the beach, but I'm not a big fan of just gets everywhere! I will definitely pay that price, though, because beaches are so beautiful!

Things have been going well since the last time I posted. I've been writing several articles for Strum this week, and I'm working on a few more. I added the links over on the righthand side along with links to articles I've written in the past for The Oracle, the Tennessee Tech newspaper. Everything seems to be going swimmingly in the writing department for me. My boss at Strum has been really pleased, and I might try to do some of my own interviewing pretty soon. The articles I've written thus far have just been me listening to the interview and then writing the story. Interviewing is a little intimidating, so I haven't asked to do any yet, but some of my favorite bands are playing this summer, and I would LOVE to interview them. Just to name a few...

The Dirty Guv'nahs are playing this Friday night! I can't wait to hear some good ole Southern Rock...I think they're a mix between The Allman Brothers and The Rolling Stones. I posted a link to their website on the right, so everyone should check them out! I've already gotten the go ahead to write an article about the concert, so I'm pretty pumped about that!

Also playing this summer: Rooney, and I might try to venture to Alabama or Kentucky to see She & Him. Two great musical acts! Rooney is the quintessential summer band, and She & Him plays a distinct brand of folk/country music that is truly their own. I would love to interview these two bands as well, but we'll see.

So, everything is going well then! My friend and roommate Bailey is back after being stuck in Guatemala for the past couple days due to the craziness that has been attacking Central America, so I'm glad she's back safe and alive! Frank is doing well in Costa Rica, soaking up the Pura Vida life, and learning Spanish like crazy, and I can't wait to see him in three weeks!

Other than that, not much excitement...just working and writing. Oh, and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my life. :-)

Hope all is well for everyone!

Love and peace,

P.S. If you're looking for a summer read and haven't read it yet...try Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Incredible writer and amazing book!

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