Sunday, May 31, 2009

Week 1...Preparation

Week 1 is officially over and week 2 has started in this 6 week journey. We spent the majority of the week preparing: spiritually and physically. We did lots of odd jobs around the mission and spent quite a bit of time in classes learning about what's in store for us over the next weeks and about what God is doing in our lives. I'm pretty excited to see what's going to happen. We've got teams coming this week and next week, so we'll be going into Mexico quite a bit to work with an orphanage and in the dump, where many people in Mexico live. It's going to be really humbling and eye-opening, but I'm really excited to work with the Mexicans and the teams.

The week after our last team, we're going to be heading to Missouri! I know, random, right? Due to the swine flu and the problems with the drug cartel, several teams have canceled their mission trips down here, so we have several weeks free. Since we have so much free time, a church in Missouri invited us to come up there and do some street ministry with them. The people that started UTRI are originally from Missouri so they have quite a few connections up there. I'm pretty excited about that, too. I love road trips, so it's going to be a blast!

This week I'll be going to Mexico three times with the team, and I've already been recruited to do some translating tomorrow. I'm nervous, but I know that's one of the big reasons that I'm down here, so I know I need to do it, lol. I'm sure it will go fine, but we'll see.

Big things are happening down here. It's going to be an awesome summer for UTRI and all the interns. I feel like I've known these people for years already. We just clicked. It's been pretty amazing. I don't know how I'm going to say good-bye to them when I leave in the middle of the summer. The majority of everyone else is staying for the whole summer, so it's going to be really sad to leave while they continue to live here. I know there's a reason for everything, though, and I know there are reasons that I need to be back in TN for a while. I'm already planning a pretty awesome road trip in August...Route 66 from St. Louis to Los Angeles!! More details later...

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to update again next weekend after our first team leaves. Hopefully I'll have some awesome stories from Mexico!

Paz afuera (Peace out),

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