Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So, I've decided to continue blogging. I'm keeping this blogsite, though, because I feel like it signifies the start of something in my life. I started this to jot down thoughts and keep people updated while I was living in another country, but living in another country changed my life. Therefore, I'm going to keep my address as ameliaincostarica...a part of me will always be there...

Things have been slightly odd since I returned. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I'm actually back in the United States. I'm somewhat indifferent to missing Costa Rica immensely and not wanting to be in the U.S., but nevertheless, it's very strange to return home. I feel like life should have stopped here while I was gone, but it didn't of course. I don't feel like I fit in completely. Hopefully these feelings will change soon. I am enjoying being able to drive myself around and my parents' good cooking, so at least those things are going well, lol. I just feel really overwhelmed at times, and need to take frequent breaks to just chill by myself. I'm sure I'll be fine in a couple of weeks, though.

In an attempt to keep myself busy and my mind off of leaving Costa Rica, I'm putting applications to find a job. I'm also going to be playing a few songs at a restaurant/bar in Cookeville called Vinnie T's. I'm really excited! I wrote about 6 or 7 songs while in Costa Rica, and I'm excited to play them in public. I'm ready to get on the ball about this booking gigs stuff, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. I feel like it's going to be a great rest of 2008 and next year as well. I currently have about 3 semesters left before I graduate, and then I'm off to the big, bad world! I'm not exactly looking forward to that, but life moves forward and so must I.

I hope all of you who read this continue to read this and leave me feedback. I'll try to keep it regularly updated with the random adventures in my life! My next traveling trip could possible be to Hong Kong in the next couple of weeks or so, and my buddy Elena that I met in Costa Rica is coming to visit in the middle of July! July is going to be a good month! :-)

Hope all is well with everyone!

Pura vida,

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