Friday, February 1, 2008

Pineapples, Chocolate, and Bats...oh my

Hey, everyone! Thank you so much for the comments! I love getting them! I don´t know how to comment back, so I just thought I would thank everyone in a post! Things here are going well. I had a little trouble with the ATMs but everything is okay now and I´m no longer without money, lol. For future reference, if you´re going abroad, find out which types of banks will work with your debit card. Otherwise, it either won´t work or it gives you American money! Definitely not what I

I´m still learning the lay of the land. Haven´t really figured out bus system at all, but I think I´ve got the taxi thing under control. Funny story, though...another exchange student and I took one the other day to get home, and she decides to strike up a conversation with him. I wasn´t really paying attention until I heard her tell him we were from Canada! Apparently this is a good idea to do because the world likes Canadians a little more that Americans, news to me,, we drop off my friend and we´re headed to my place, and the driver starts asking me questions about Canada! Well, I know nothing about Canada, lol, so I basically had to make up stuff about Canada while speaking in Spanish for 5 or 10 minutes. Funny now, but at the time not so much, lol. I did find out that I´m a lot better at lying in Spanish than in English, possibly good to know...

This weekend I´m going on an excursion to the rainforest! We´re going to tour a pineapple and chocolate plantation, and go on a night excursion to see some nocturnal animals such as bats and certain frogs. It should be pretty cool, and hopefully I´ll have something to write about it. Hope all is well!

Peace from Costa Rica,


Stephanie Pounds said...

"better at lying in Spanish than in English"

See, the trip has already paid for itself.

Unknown said...

Yeah we Americans aren't as popular as we once were. Maybe we'll learn to stop setting up bases in other countries, overthrowing and setting up governments, going after "terrorists", and learn to deal with our problems at home.

In our attempts to keep ourselves "SAFE" we have alienated ourselves from the rest of the world. We've got to stop policing the world for our own "security". As Ben Franklin said, "Those that give up liberty for a little security deserve neither."

Rant complete...