Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Writing and working!

Hello to everyone! It's been an exciting last few weeks since my last post! I completed one semester of graduate school, and I pulled straight A's! I was pretty pumped about that! Also...I can't remember if I mentioned in my last post that I got an internship with an online magazine out of Nashville called Stum Magazine. Today, my first article was posted online!

I'm extremely pumped about this as well! I'm padding my portfolio! Things are going pretty well. Other than writing and finishing up my semester, I've just been working a lot. I'm working at this little shop on the square in Cookeville called The Market on the Square. For the time being, it's a pretty good job, though I'm definitely still ready to start looking for a grown-up job lol.

So, things are going pretty well I suppose. I'm looking forward to the rest of the summer. My bro is leaving for Costa Rica on Saturday, so I'll be sad to see him go, but I'll be headed to there as well at the end of June to visit him, so that's exciting!

Hope everything is going well for everyone else! Enjoy the beginnings of summer!

Peace and love,

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