Friday, October 23, 2009

The tunes of decisions....

Yes, I know, it's been a while. I seem to have forgotten that I had a blog there for a bit. I remembered today, though, so I do believe I will post something.

Things have been going pretty well I suppose. I received my cap and gown the other day, for free amazingly enough, and I'm having mixed feelings. Part of me can't wait to be done and the other part can't believe that I'm almost a college graduate. The next part of my life is not planned out. For the first time in 22 years, there is no plan. In short, I'm freaking out. I don't feel like college has prepared me for the real world.

Certain phrases keep coming to mind like, "The world is your oyster," or "Grab the bull by the horns," but honestly, having the freedom to do whatever I want and go in whatever direction I want to go is a little daunting. If I had a definite direction, I would probably be a little less freaked out, but I don't. I have ideas, but how do I know which idea is the right one? How do I know when I make a right decision? Aren't these decisions that could affect the rest of my life?!

Anyway, I'm sure I'm being a little melodramatic about this whole thing, but it's just something that's weighing heavily on my mind. For right now, I've made the decision to stay in Cookeville for another semester and take a class that I would need for Grad school. Is this the right decision? I have no clue, but it's a decision, and at this point I'm glad I'm finally deciding about something. I don't remember ever being this indecisive, but maybe I always was...

In other news, I've played one gig this semester with two more coming up. Next Friday I'm going to be playing as part of a fundraiser for TOMS shoes. For every pair of shoes bought from it, TOMS gives a pair of shoes to a child in a third-world country. It's definitely a worthy cause, and I'm excited to be a part of it! My other gig is on November 14, and I'm pretty excited about that one, too.

Fall is definitely here in Tennessee and in honor of that, and Halloween, my roommates and I are throwing a Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza on Saturday night! We're all pretty excited, and I'm definitely looking forward to spending an evening with friends and just relaxing. I think my mind needs to get do I...maybe I should plan a trip or something. The traveling bug always seems to keep biting me. :-)

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to update again soon!

Lots of love,